This device is manufactured by LIVANOVA USA.

The following problems were reported about this device:

Date Event Type Patient Problem Device Problem
2023-05-24 Injury Insufficient Information, No Clinical Signs, Symptoms or Conditions Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2023-05-19 Injury Convulsion, Clonic Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2023-01-06 Death No Clinical Signs, Symptoms or Conditions Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2022-10-28 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2022-10-24 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-05-21 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-05-07 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-04-24 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-04-01 Malfunction None Energy Output Problem
2019-03-15 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-03-10 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-01-16 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2019-01-01 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-12-21 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-12-10 Malfunction None Energy Output Problem
2018-12-01 Malfunction None Energy Output Problem
2018-11-30 Malfunction None Energy Output Problem
2018-11-12 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-11-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-10-31 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-10-29 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-10-24 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-10-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-09-17 Malfunction None Detachment of Device or Device Component
2018-09-13 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-09-06 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-08-29 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-07-25 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-07-19 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-07-16 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-07-03 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-06-14 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-06-11 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-06-08 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-06-07 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-05-03 Malfunction None Detachment Of Device Component
2018-05-01 Malfunction None Energy Output Problem
2018-04-25 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-02-27 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-02-13 Malfunction None High impedance
2018-02-06 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-02-05 Death None High impedance
2018-02-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-01-23 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-01-05 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2018-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-12-20 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-12-14 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-10-23 Malfunction None Detachment Of Device Component
2017-09-18 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-09-07 Malfunction None High impedance
2017-09-01 Malfunction None Detachment Of Device Component, Mechanical Problem
2017-08-25 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-08-25 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-08-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-07-24 Malfunction None Corroded
2017-07-20 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-07-01 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-06-16 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-06-12 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-06-02 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-06-02 Malfunction None Energy Output To Patient Tissue Incorrect
2017-06-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-05-31 Injury None Communication or Transmission Problem
2017-05-12 Malfunction None Detachment Of Device Component
2017-04-25 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-03-10 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-03-08 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-02-21 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem, Appropriate Term/Code Not Available
2017-01-24 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-01-04 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2017-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-12-18 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-11-03 Injury None Premature Discharge of Battery, Migration or Expulsion of Device
2016-11-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2016-11-01 Injury None Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2016-10-23 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-10-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-09-26 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-09-20 Malfunction None High impedance, Appropriate Term/Code Not Available
2016-09-02 Injury None Unexpected Therapeutic Results
2016-09-01 Death None Battery Problem, Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2016-08-25 Injury None Unexpected Therapeutic Results
2016-07-15 Malfunction None Detachment of Device or Device Component
2016-07-13 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-07-12 Death None Insufficient Information
2016-05-07 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-04-14 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-01-01 Malfunction None Disconnection, High impedance
2016-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2016-01-01 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-10-19 Death None Premature Discharge of Battery, High impedance
2015-10-01 Injury None Low Battery
2015-07-07 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-04-22 Injury None Unexpected Therapeutic Results
2015-04-21 Malfunction None Improper or Incorrect Procedure or Method
2015-04-20 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-04-10 Malfunction None Break, Difficult to Remove, Device Inoperable
2015-04-10 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-04-08 Death None Insufficient Information
2015-04-01 Injury None Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2015-03-25 Injury None Device Inoperable
2015-03-19 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-03-09 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-01-20 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2015-01-01 Injury None Low Battery
2014-11-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-08-01 Death None Insufficient Information
2014-07-16 Death None Insufficient Information
2014-06-24 Malfunction None Insufficient Information
2014-06-18 Injury None Extrusion, Material Protrusion/Extrusion
2014-06-10 Injury None Battery Problem
2014-05-27 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-05-23 Death None Insufficient Information
2014-05-22 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-05-20 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-05-20 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-05-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-04-24 Death None Insufficient Information
2014-04-18 Injury None Low Battery
2014-03-28 Malfunction None Break, High impedance, Failure to Interrogate, Battery Problem
2014-03-27 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-03-23 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-03-14 Injury None Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2014-03-05 Malfunction None Device Inoperable, Battery Problem
2014-03-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-03-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-02-25 Malfunction None High impedance
2014-02-21 Injury None Extrusion
2014-02-14 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-02-12 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-02-06 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-02-04 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-02-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-01-23 Death None Insufficient Information
2014-01-14 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-01-09 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-01-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-01-01 Injury None Battery Problem
2014-01-01 Injury None Loss of Power, Battery Problem
2014-01-01 Malfunction None Detachment Of Device Component
2014-01-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2014-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-01-01 Injury None Migration or Expulsion of Device
2014-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2014-01-01 Injury None Low Battery
2014-01-01 Injury None Battery Problem
2013-12-18 Malfunction None Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2013-12-16 Injury None Insufficient Information
2013-12-03 Injury None Break
2013-12-01 Injury None None
2013-11-25 Injury None None
2013-11-11 Injury None None
2013-11-01 Injury None None
2013-11-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2013-11-01 Malfunction None None
2013-11-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2013-10-30 Injury None None
2013-10-29 Injury None Battery Problem, Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2013-10-25 Death None Insufficient Information
2013-10-14 Injury None None
2013-10-14 Malfunction None None
2013-10-04 Injury None None
2013-10-01 Malfunction None Use of Incorrect Control/Treatment Settings
2013-10-01 Injury None None
2013-09-19 Malfunction None None
2013-09-01 Injury None None
2013-09-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2013-08-30 Injury None None
2013-08-28 Malfunction None None
2013-08-20 Injury None None
2013-08-13 Malfunction None None
2013-08-07 Injury None None
2013-08-04 Death None None
2013-08-02 Malfunction None None
2013-08-01 Malfunction None None
2013-08-01 Malfunction None None
2013-07-31 Malfunction None None
2013-07-31 Injury None Contamination
2013-07-25 Injury None None
2013-07-11 Injury None Charging Problem
2013-06-26 Injury None None
2013-06-19 Injury None None
2013-06-10 Injury None None
2013-06-06 Injury None None
2013-06-01 Malfunction None High impedance
2013-05-31 Injury None None
2013-05-29 Injury None None
2013-05-21 Injury None None
2013-05-20 Injury None None
2013-05-20 Death None None
2013-05-10 Malfunction None None
2013-05-03 Malfunction None None
2013-05-02 Death None None
2013-05-01 Injury None None
2013-05-01 Injury None None
2013-04-12 Injury None None
2013-04-11 Injury None None
2013-04-02 Injury None None
2013-04-01 Injury None None
2013-03-19 Malfunction None None
2013-03-17 Injury None None
2013-03-12 Injury None None
2013-03-07 Death None None
2013-03-01 Injury None None
2013-02-27 Injury None None
2013-02-14 Malfunction None None
2013-02-13 Injury None None
2013-02-04 Injury None None
2013-02-04 Injury None None
2013-02-01 Injury None None
2013-02-01 Injury None None
2013-01-22 Death None None
2013-01-21 Injury None None
2013-01-13 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2013-01-05 Death None Battery Problem
2013-01-04 Injury None None
2013-01-03 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2013-01-01 Malfunction None None
2013-01-01 Injury None None
2012-12-12 Injury None None
2012-12-04 Injury None None
2012-12-04 Malfunction None None
2012-12-03 Injury None None
2012-12-01 Injury None None
2012-11-30 Injury None None
2012-11-22 Injury None None
2012-11-20 Malfunction None None
2012-11-16 Injury None None
2012-11-16 Death None None
2012-11-14 Death None None
2012-11-12 Injury None None
2012-11-09 Injury None None
2012-11-07 Injury None None
2012-11-01 Injury None None
2012-11-01 Injury None None
2012-11-01 Injury None None
2012-10-22 Malfunction None None
2012-10-22 Injury None None
2012-10-15 Injury None None
2012-10-09 Malfunction None None
2012-10-09 Injury None None
2012-10-03 Malfunction None None
2012-10-02 Injury None None
2012-10-01 Malfunction None None
2012-09-29 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2012-09-26 Injury None None
2012-09-25 Death None None
2012-09-17 Injury None None
2012-09-10 Malfunction None None
2012-09-09 Malfunction None None
2012-09-01 Death None None
2012-08-31 Injury None None
2012-08-20 Injury None None
2012-08-18 Injury None None
2012-08-17 Injury None None
2012-08-16 Malfunction None None
2012-08-14 Death None None
2012-08-13 Injury None None
2012-08-07 Malfunction None None
2012-08-04 Malfunction None None
2012-08-02 Injury None None
2012-08-01 Injury None None
2012-07-30 Malfunction None None
2012-07-17 Injury None None
2012-07-11 Injury None None
2012-07-10 Injury None None
2012-07-09 Malfunction None None
2012-07-07 Death None None
2012-07-03 Injury None None
2012-07-01 Injury None None
2012-07-01 Injury None None
2012-06-29 Injury None None
2012-06-29 Injury None None
2012-06-27 Malfunction None None
2012-06-26 Injury None None
2012-06-25 Malfunction None None
2012-06-25 Injury None None
2012-06-23 Injury None None
2012-06-20 Injury None None
2012-06-20 Injury None None
2012-06-20 Injury None None
2012-06-15 Injury None None
2012-06-14 Injury None None
2012-06-10 Death None None
2012-06-07 Injury None None
2012-06-06 Injury None None
2012-06-05 Injury None None
2012-06-01 Injury None None
2012-06-01 Injury None None
2012-06-01 Malfunction None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2012-06-01 Malfunction None Insufficient Information
2012-05-30 Malfunction None None
2012-05-26 Injury None None
2012-05-25 Injury None None
2012-05-24 Malfunction None None
2012-05-16 Malfunction None None
2012-05-09 Injury None None
2012-05-09 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2012-05-08 Injury None None
2012-05-04 Injury None None
2012-05-03 Injury None None
2012-05-02 Injury None None
2012-05-02 Injury None None
2012-05-01 Injury None None
2012-04-30 Injury None None
2012-04-29 Injury None None
2012-04-25 Malfunction None None
2012-04-10 Injury None None
2012-04-09 Injury None None
2012-04-05 Injury None None
2012-04-04 Injury None None
2012-04-03 Injury None None
2012-04-03 Injury None None
2012-04-03 Injury None None
2012-04-01 Malfunction None None
2012-03-30 Malfunction None None
2012-03-28 Death None None
2012-03-27 Malfunction None None
2012-03-25 Death None None
2012-03-23 Injury None None
2012-03-15 Injury None None
2012-03-07 Malfunction None None
2012-03-01 Injury None None
2012-03-01 Injury None None
2012-03-01 Malfunction None None
2012-02-20 Injury None None
2012-02-20 Injury None None
2012-02-19 Injury None None
2012-02-14 Death None None
2012-01-31 Malfunction None None
2012-01-24 Injury None None
2012-01-24 Injury None None
2012-01-24 Injury None None
2012-01-17 Injury None None
2012-01-16 Death None Insufficient Information
2012-01-12 Injury None None
2012-01-11 Injury None None
2012-01-05 Injury None None
2012-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2012-01-01 Malfunction None None
2012-01-01 Death None None
2012-01-01 Injury None None
2011-12-22 Injury None None
2011-12-19 Malfunction None None
2011-12-15 Injury None None
2011-12-15 Malfunction None None
2011-12-14 Injury None None
2011-12-13 Malfunction None None
2011-12-13 Malfunction None None
2011-12-12 Injury None None
2011-12-02 Injury None None
2011-12-01 Injury None None
2011-11-27 Malfunction None None
2011-11-23 Death None None
2011-11-09 Malfunction None None
2011-11-07 Injury None None
2011-11-07 Injury None None
2011-11-04 Injury None None
2011-11-04 Malfunction None None
2011-11-02 Malfunction None None
2011-11-02 Injury None None
2011-11-01 Injury None None
2011-10-31 Malfunction None None
2011-10-24 Malfunction None None
2011-10-24 Injury None None
2011-10-23 Injury None None
2011-10-18 Death None None
2011-10-07 Malfunction None None
2011-10-06 Malfunction None None
2011-10-04 Injury None None
2011-10-04 Malfunction None None
2011-10-01 Death None Insufficient Information
2011-09-27 Malfunction None None
2011-09-19 Malfunction None None
2011-09-18 Death None None
2011-09-15 Injury None None
2011-09-14 Injury None None
2011-09-13 Death None None
2011-09-06 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2011-09-02 Injury None None
2011-09-01 Injury None None
2011-08-25 Injury None None
2011-08-24 Injury None None
2011-08-17 Injury None None
2011-08-12 Malfunction None None
2011-08-11 Malfunction None None
2011-08-02 Injury None None
2011-08-01 Injury None None
2011-08-01 Malfunction None None
2011-08-01 Injury None None
2011-08-01 Malfunction None None
2011-07-25 Malfunction None None
2011-07-19 Injury None None
2011-07-16 Death None None
2011-07-15 Malfunction None None
2011-07-13 Injury None None
2011-07-12 Injury None None
2011-07-07 Injury None None
2011-07-05 Malfunction None None
2011-07-05 Injury None None
2011-07-01 Injury None None
2011-07-01 Injury None None
2011-07-01 Injury None None
2011-07-01 Injury None None
2011-07-01 Injury None None
2011-06-30 Injury None None
2011-06-30 Malfunction None None
2011-06-22 Injury None None
2011-06-17 Injury None None
2011-06-16 Malfunction None None
2011-06-16 Injury None None
2011-06-15 Injury None None
2011-06-08 Injury None None
2011-06-08 Injury None None
2011-06-07 Injury None None
2011-06-05 Injury None None
2011-06-01 Malfunction None None
2011-06-01 Injury None None
2011-06-01 Injury None None
2011-06-01 Injury None None
2011-05-30 Injury None None
2011-05-28 Death None None
2011-05-27 Injury None None
2011-05-26 Injury None None
2011-05-11 Injury None None
2011-05-05 Injury None None
2011-05-03 Injury None None
2011-05-03 Malfunction None None
2011-04-26 Injury None None
2011-04-14 Injury None None
2011-04-13 Injury None None
2011-04-01 Injury None None
2011-03-31 Malfunction None None
2011-03-31 Injury None None
2011-03-31 Injury None None
2011-03-25 Malfunction None None
2011-03-23 Injury None None
2011-03-23 Injury None None
2011-03-22 Malfunction None None
2011-03-17 Malfunction None None
2011-03-09 Malfunction None None
2011-03-02 Injury None None
2011-03-01 Injury None None
2011-03-01 Injury None None
2011-02-25 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2011-02-24 Injury None None
2011-02-13 Malfunction None None
2011-02-09 Injury None None
2011-02-08 Injury None None
2011-02-02 Injury None None
2011-01-20 Malfunction None None
2011-01-19 Injury None None
2011-01-06 Injury None None
2011-01-06 Injury None None
2011-01-01 Malfunction None Insufficient Information
2011-01-01 Malfunction None None
2011-01-01 Injury None None
2011-01-01 Malfunction None None
2011-01-01 Injury None None
2011-01-01 Injury None None
2011-01-01 Injury None None
2011-01-01 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2011-01-01 Injury None None
2011-01-01 Death None None
2010-12-28 Death None None
2010-12-23 Injury None None
2010-12-15 Injury None None
2010-12-13 Injury None None
2010-12-01 Injury None None
2010-12-01 Malfunction None None
2010-12-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2010-11-24 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2010-11-18 Injury None None
2010-11-17 Injury None None
2010-11-08 Injury None None
2010-11-02 Injury None None
2010-11-01 Injury None None
2010-10-22 Injury None None
2010-10-13 Injury None None
2010-10-12 Malfunction None None
2010-10-08 Injury None None
2010-10-05 Injury None None
2010-10-01 Injury None None
2010-10-01 Injury None None
2010-10-01 Injury None None
2010-09-30 Malfunction None Premature End-of-Life Indicator
2010-09-30 Malfunction None Premature End-of-Life Indicator
2010-09-20 Death None None
2010-09-18 Injury None None
2010-09-09 Injury None None
2010-09-08 Malfunction None None
2010-09-02 Malfunction None None
2010-08-27 Injury None None
2010-08-24 Malfunction None None
2010-08-23 Injury None None
2010-08-17 Injury None None
2010-08-11 Death None None
2010-08-05 Malfunction None None
2010-08-01 Injury None None
2010-08-01 Injury None None
2010-08-01 Injury None None
2010-07-27 Injury None None
2010-07-08 Injury None None
2010-07-07 Injury None None
2010-07-01 Injury None None
2010-06-30 Injury None None
2010-06-30 Injury None None
2010-06-11 Injury None None
2010-06-06 Death None None
2010-06-01 Malfunction None None
2010-06-01 Malfunction None None
2010-06-01 Injury None None
2010-05-13 Injury None None
2010-05-09 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2010-05-05 Malfunction None None
2010-05-01 Malfunction None None
2010-04-27 Injury None None
2010-04-25 Death None None
2010-04-06 Malfunction None None
2010-04-02 Malfunction None None
2010-04-01 Injury None None
2010-03-31 Injury None None
2010-03-31 Injury None None
2010-03-23 Injury None None
2010-03-22 Injury None None
2010-03-19 Injury None None
2010-03-10 Injury None Insufficient Information
2010-03-02 Malfunction None None
2010-03-01 Injury None None
2010-03-01 Injury None None
2010-02-23 Injury None None
2010-02-13 Injury None None
2010-02-08 Injury None None
2010-02-01 Injury None None
2010-02-01 Injury None None
2010-02-01 Malfunction None None
2010-02-01 Injury None None
2010-02-01 Injury None None
2010-01-27 Injury None None
2010-01-25 Injury None None
2010-01-17 Injury None None
2010-01-15 Injury None None
2010-01-06 Injury None None
2010-01-04 Malfunction None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Malfunction None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Death None None
2010-01-01 Malfunction None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2010-01-01 Injury None None
2009-12-01 Injury None None
2009-11-24 Malfunction None None
2009-11-11 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2009-11-01 Malfunction None None
2009-11-01 Malfunction None None
2009-10-20 Injury None None
2009-10-16 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2009-10-01 Injury None None
2009-09-21 Injury None None
2009-09-05 Death None None
2009-09-01 Injury None None
2009-08-20 Malfunction None None
2009-07-10 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2009-07-10 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2009-07-01 Injury None None
2009-06-19 Injury None None
2009-06-01 Injury None None
2009-04-23 Malfunction None None
2009-04-03 Injury None None
2009-03-05 Injury None None
2009-03-01 Injury None None
2009-02-09 Injury None None
2009-02-05 Malfunction None None
2009-01-01 Malfunction None None
2009-01-01 Malfunction None None
2009-01-01 Malfunction None None
2008-12-17 Injury None Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2008-10-17 Injury None None
2008-09-17 Malfunction None None
2008-08-01 Malfunction None None
2008-07-15 Death None Insufficient Information
2008-06-26 Malfunction None None
2008-05-01 Injury None None
2008-04-25 Death None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2008-01-01 Injury None None
2007-12-21 Death None None
2007-12-21 Malfunction None None
2007-11-16 Malfunction None None
2007-09-16 Malfunction None None
2007-09-11 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2007-09-09 Death None Insufficient Information
2007-09-01 Malfunction None None
2007-08-08 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2007-07-30 Injury None None
2007-02-22 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2007-02-05 Malfunction None None
2007-01-22 Injury None None
2007-01-01 Injury None None
2007-01-01 Malfunction None None
2006-10-16 Malfunction None Premature End-of-Life Indicator
2006-07-15 Death None None
2006-07-11 Malfunction None Leak/Splash, Battery Problem, Device Operates Differently Than Expected
2006-07-01 Injury None None
2006-05-03 Injury None None
2006-02-24 Injury None None
2006-01-01 Injury None Insufficient Information
2006-01-01 Injury None None
2005-05-16 Injury None None
2005-05-14 Malfunction None None
2005-04-07 Injury None None
2005-02-15 Injury None None
2005-01-30 Death None Insufficient Information
2005-01-01 Injury None None
2005-01-01 Malfunction None None
2004-12-17 Injury None Use of Incorrect Control/Treatment Settings
2004-12-01 Injury None None
2004-11-15 Injury None None
2004-10-24 Malfunction None None
2004-10-07 Malfunction None None
2004-09-16 Malfunction None None
2004-08-09 Malfunction None None
2004-07-16 Malfunction None None
2004-07-13 Malfunction None None
2004-05-17 Malfunction None None
2004-05-07 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2004-03-31 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2004-02-26 Injury None None
2004-01-06 Injury None Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem
2004-01-01 Malfunction None None
2003-12-22 Malfunction None Protective Measures Problem
1998-07-01 Injury None None